Saturday, May 23, 2009

The Astle Kids

So here are some pics from the other weekend of my darling nieces and nephews, well, just from one of my sisters, I got a lot of sisters. All and all I think they worked out great. Natural lighting is the only way to go, I love it. Maybe I"ll get really good at indoor lighting one day but for now there just isn't anything better than this.
Because of the time of day I used a reflector and the kids hated it but it worked great for me!!
There should be a little slide show that hopefully you can watch if I am brilliant enough to get it to work. Also, I am pretty new at this blogging thing so it will take some trial and error to get it looking like I want it to but for now just enjoy what I can get up.

Friday, May 8, 2009

Here is a little something about me and my!! Check out some of the work I have done and let me know if you would like any photography done by Camilla's!